What follows is a detailed Moovly review against InVideo.

We will be comparing Moovly's pricing, features, etc. with that of InVideo.

Transform your content into great videos. InVideo is a video creation platform that helps serve publishers, media companies, and brands to expand audiences engagement through the power of video content.

Moovly is best for personal use-cases, presentations or slideshows. It is not recommended for branded enterprise, editorial or marketing use-cases.



InVideo pricing - Cost-effective

Pricing starts at $20 per month for 10 videos. It's also coupled with photo and video libraries along with hundreds of templates. No limitations on the number of users.

Moovly pricing - Expensive

Professional package is $49 per month. It is limited to a single user. Doesn't include unique designs or integrations.

Branded designs

No added cost

Custom made branded designs are included as a feature of our enterprise plan.

No custom designs

Moovly doesn't provide brand-specific designs.

Custom workflows

Bespoke model

Automate video creation with our custom workflows. Pricing starts at $500 a month. This special feature makes InVideo the best Moovly alternative. Because no Moovly competitors offer this.

Common workflow

Moovly has a common workflow that all clients follow.

CMS and video integrations

Seamless integrations

Your videos are delivered straight at your digital doorstep with InVideo's seamless integrations. JW Player, Brightcove, Akamai, YouTube, etc. Free for all our enterprise clients.

Not available

Moovly doesn't provide integrations with CMS or video players which adds an overhead task of downloading and uploading videos.

Data integrations with custom workflows

Save time with data integration

Automatically embed data in your videos by integrating your data collection system with InVideo. Data integrations are free for packages above $1000 a month.

No data integration

Moovly doesn't provide integrations with data collection systems.
How does InVideo make a good Lumen5 alternative? Find out here.