Instagram Story Video Templates
Take your Instagram stories to the next level with our customizable templates! From promotional content to personal updates, our templates provide the perfect starting point for creating eye-catching and engaging stories. No design experience necessary - simply choose a template and add your own text and images.
- All Categories
- Slideshow Templates
- Bumper Ad Templates
- Collage Video Templates
- Technology Video Templates
- YouTube Templates
- Birthday Templates
- Business Video Templates
- Travel Video Templates
- Real Estate Video Templates
- Logo Video Templates
- Fashion Video Templates
- Music Video Templates
- Food and Restaurant Video Templates
- Outro Video Templates
- Education Video Templates
- Intro Video Templates
- Animated Templates
- Promo Video Templates
- Invitation templates
- Special days
- Memorial Video Templates
- Motion Graphics Templates
- Timeline Templates
- Testimonial Video Templates
- Baby Video Templates
- Quote Templates
- Breaking News
- Female Templates
- People Templates
- Title Templates
- Success Story Templates
- Planner Templates
- Poster Templates
- Background Templates
- Funeral Program Templates
- Portfolio Video Templates
- Movie Templates
- Video Resume
- Event Video Templates
- Conclusion Video Templates
- Aesthetic Video Templates
- Art Video Templates
- Insurance Video Templates
- Nursing Video Templates
- Hiring Video Templates
- Countdown Video Templates
- Summary Video Templates
- Laptop Video Templates
- Summer Video Templates
- Movie Trailer Video Templates
- Planet Video Templates
- Survey Templates
- Highlights Video Templates
- Weather Templates
- Car Wash Templates
- Memory Book
- Ocean Templates
- Grand Opening Templates
- Rose Gold Templates
Editable instagram ad templates for
How to use Instagram story templates?
Instagram reels offers and option 'use template' allowing you to re-create that reel by replacing existing media with yours. If you try to post a new a reel, you can slide right from 'REEL' to 'TEMPLATES' on your Instagram app. However, editing your reel on Instagram is very restrictive. InVideo's predesigned templates eliminate that issue. You can search 'Reels' on InVideo, choose the latest trending template and create your story on InVideo. Export the video, upload it on your Instagram app, add music and publish. It's super easy!
What is an Instagram story template?
An Instagram story template is a pre-designed layout or format that you can use to create a cohesive and visually appealing Instagram video story. These templates often include text, graphics, and design elements that can be customized to fit your needs.
Can I use an Instagram story template for my business?
Yes, Invideo's Instagram story templates can be a useful tool for businesses looking to create professional-looking and cohesive stories for their brand. You can customize the templates to fit your brand's style and message, and use them to promote your products or services, share updates and news, and engage with your followers.
Can I create my own Instagram story templates in InVideo?
Simply click on the "Create New" option in the template library and design your template from scratch using the InVideo editor. You can add text, images, videos, and other elements to your template and customize them to your liking. Once you are satisfied with your template, you can save it and use it again in the future.